Garage-less Volts

Group Statistics

EV Miles / Total Miles: 820259.82 / 1489069.88 (55.1%)
MPG: 76.60
MPGe: 53.88
MPGCS: 34.41
Description: Let's face it, the vast majority of people in the world have no garage where to plug in. For electric cars to have a meaningful impact on gasoline consumption, charging infrastructure needs to be designed now into new buildings and retrofitted to existing buildings.

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Serial # Nickname State EV Miles Total Miles EV% MPG MPGe MPGCS

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Raw Data

Month Vehicles EV Miles Total Miles EV MPVDD Total MPVDD EV % MPG MPGe MPGCS
December 2015 1 539.21 607.63 20.86 23.49 88.7 309.26 81.43 34.82
January 2016 1 542.81 542.81 18.83 18.83 100.0 999.00 98.00 100.00
February 2016 2 1150.83 1192.15 28.87 30.08 96.5 985.72 92.04 34.17
March 2016 2 1339.41 1458.32 26.67 29.50 91.8 411.77 84.75 33.57
April 2016 3 1804.42 1895.98 28.62 29.92 95.2 670.56 91.35 32.38
May 2016 3 1777.20 2527.40 21.53 31.27 70.3 115.33 63.88 34.23
June 2016 3 1334.09 1901.66 22.08 32.03 70.2 116.58 64.33 34.80
July 2016 3 1215.36 2315.96 22.18 42.19 52.5 83.33 58.10 39.60
August 2016 3 1228.75 1925.72 17.05 26.74 63.8 88.58 56.73 32.06
September 2016 4 1884.28 5434.61 24.06 59.02 34.7 54.73 46.00 35.75
October 2016 4 2803.09 5921.78 27.42 58.07 47.3 66.99 50.87 35.28
November 2016 4 2472.49 8787.60 26.37 96.51 28.1 47.55 41.94 34.17
December 2016 5 1829.24 5326.11 20.69 60.01 34.3 50.82 43.35 33.37
January 2017 7 3047.42 7299.60 23.59 56.74 41.7 52.38 43.04 30.51
February 2017 8 4623.49 7552.98 24.10 40.66 61.2 80.30 54.10 31.15
March 2017 8 5947.71 8608.42 25.82 39.97 69.1 105.52 61.41 32.61
April 2017 8 6758.60 9267.35 29.99 42.08 72.9 137.71 69.22 37.28
May 2017 8 6716.03 9549.36 27.54 37.95 70.3 125.44 67.11 37.22
June 2017 9 7356.51 12677.05 29.43 50.30 58.0 91.34 60.11 38.34
July 2017 10 6947.79 12685.80 24.84 47.70 54.8 81.06 56.33 36.67
August 2017 10 7793.88 13250.21 27.52 48.96 58.8 90.55 59.30 37.29
September 2017 10 5597.54 9298.47 24.12 39.57 60.2 98.83 62.22 39.34
October 2017 11 5666.48 9435.80 26.17 43.58 60.1 94.37 60.31 37.70
November 2017 6 3426.50 7760.67 22.94 50.11 44.2 63.11 48.87 35.25
December 2017 12 4661.18 6631.40 25.80 36.82 70.3 99.79 58.85 29.65
January 2018 6 2753.97 5187.36 22.41 37.31 53.1 75.09 53.87 35.23
February 2018 8 3364.71 4989.46 25.86 38.07 67.4 98.51 59.37 32.08
March 2018 8 5065.42 6395.50 25.56 34.84 79.2 186.07 75.55 38.70
April 2018 9 5083.28 8208.43 23.94 36.41 61.9 113.98 66.82 43.40
May 2018 9 6309.28 11121.49 28.05 48.86 56.7 92.81 60.80 40.16
June 2018 11 6362.06 16462.03 27.60 63.57 38.6 64.50 51.74 39.57
July 2018 11 7067.13 12023.78 27.00 42.91 58.8 91.29 59.64 37.64
August 2018 12 7693.83 12948.87 27.94 46.45 59.4 91.36 59.32 37.08
September 2018 12 7821.60 13057.23 26.75 43.67 59.9 95.99 61.06 38.49
October 2018 12 8873.03 15963.19 27.04 46.88 55.6 81.59 56.22 36.24
November 2018 13 8515.00 16058.68 25.68 45.15 53.0 69.82 50.99 32.80
December 2018 13 7960.61 18142.97 23.45 50.72 43.9 57.36 45.86 32.19
January 2019 13 7884.67 13476.45 24.79 36.99 58.5 74.65 52.05 30.97
February 2019 14 6928.69 13135.00 24.97 42.39 52.7 66.07 49.12 31.22
March 2019 13 8068.23 14445.77 25.25 41.35 55.9 74.66 52.88 32.96
April 2019 13 7857.80 14617.70 24.97 41.87 53.8 77.77 55.04 35.96
May 2019 14 9524.36 15819.91 27.19 39.99 60.2 89.87 58.52 35.76
June 2019 14 9460.12 14283.64 27.62 42.17 66.2 108.38 63.35 36.60
July 2019 16 9027.23 14844.99 26.23 39.45 60.8 91.40 58.88 35.82
August 2019 16 10604.64 20424.55 26.39 51.02 51.9 73.01 53.03 35.10
September 2019 16 9450.86 16167.39 24.68 42.01 58.5 84.46 56.66 35.09
October 2019 16 9868.52 16529.69 25.18 42.96 59.7 89.72 58.55 36.16
November 2019 16 7912.05 15025.70 22.32 42.47 52.7 69.46 50.94 32.88
December 2019 16 8053.11 15181.66 23.71 44.31 53.0 70.22 51.25 32.97
January 2020 15 8579.27 15016.86 25.06 44.90 57.1 71.41 50.87 30.61
February 2020 15 9267.76 15687.04 27.58 47.76 59.1 76.04 52.64 31.12
March 2020 15 7557.45 13357.40 24.68 44.89 56.6 78.12 54.49 33.92
April 2020 14 6331.02 9446.35 23.83 37.30 67.0 103.73 61.74 34.21
May 2020 14 6541.29 9507.91 24.17 36.22 68.8 116.24 65.22 36.27
June 2020 14 6173.02 10700.46 21.15 36.46 57.7 83.50 56.75 35.33
July 2020 14 6517.67 11992.05 22.81 44.73 54.3 82.10 57.15 37.48
August 2020 14 6373.39 11628.17 22.67 40.84 54.8 81.35 56.64 36.76
September 2020 14 4648.19 9382.47 21.14 47.58 49.5 70.40 52.49 35.52
October 2020 12 4255.71 5062.15 22.87 28.77 84.1 246.62 81.09 39.29
November 2020 10 3191.10 3933.70 22.39 29.97 81.1 208.38 78.80 39.34
December 2020 9 2622.78 4415.81 21.75 32.86 59.4 93.65 60.88 38.02
January 2021 10 2400.30 4210.62 18.00 25.28 57.0 88.02 59.15 37.84
February 2021 10 3214.21 4606.81 20.44 28.52 69.8 110.55 63.16 33.42
March 2021 10 4628.20 7350.11 24.99 41.99 63.0 109.95 65.70 40.72
April 2021 9 2569.16 4295.02 23.43 32.99 59.8 119.98 70.80 48.21

Daily Driving Histogram

Blue Bars Represent:

This histogram charts the percentage of days that a Volt has driven a given number of miles. The green bars represent EV-only usage, and there are multiple options for the blue bars:

  • Total Mileage When Gas Used: If this is selected, the blue bars will represent the total distance driven when any gas was used. For example, if you drove 50 miles, 40 of which were EV powered, you would have a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 50 in this mode.

  • CS-Only Mileage: In this mode, the blue bars will represent the number of miles driven in charge sustaining mode only. For our 50 miles/40 EV example, you would get a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 10 in this mode.

  • Nothing - Show EV Only: Obviously, will clear the blue bars and only show EV usage.

In any mode, a day without gas usage will not get a blue tick. A vehicle's "day" is determined by the time zone of the zip code entered for the car. If the car doesn't have a zip code, central time will be used.