Details for Volt #2015-04696 (Of Alessandro Volta):

Car Information / Rankings

Location: Cincinnati, OH
Last Updated: 5/2/2018 10:56:24 AM CST
EV Miles: 23331.06
Total Miles: 30016.37
EV %: 77.7%
MPG: 140.35
MPGe: 66.42
MPGCS: 31.26
Group Membership(s):
Comments: Started with almost 5,000 demo miles... and just turned this car in at the end of its lease.

Got into Hall of Fame a little over a year into ownership. Started with 55 mpg rating; ended with 140 mpg (198 mpg for the time I had it).

I'll miss the old girl. Good thing I have a new 2018!


Graph Options

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Moving Average:

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Show Data By Year:

Raw Data

Month EV Miles Total Miles EV MPVDD Total MPVDD EV % MPG MPGe MPGCS
April 2015 502.90 562.80 29.27 32.47 89.4 320.81 81.78 34.14
May 2015 623.64 623.64 20.23 20.23 100.0 999.00 98.00 100.00
June 2015 494.30 500.45 22.79 23.10 98.8 999.00 94.89 27.11
July 2015 524.87 1270.20 16.83 23.43 41.3 63.84 50.29 37.46
August 2015 659.17 1292.61 22.23 45.69 51.0 75.01 53.96 36.76
September 2015 638.20 1196.20 24.92 46.38 53.4 82.10 56.74 38.30
October 2015 109.58 221.81 20.14 42.58 49.4 73.01 53.34 36.94
November 2015 515.07 515.07 19.78 19.78 100.0 999.00 98.00
December 2015 548.70 548.70 19.37 19.37 100.0 999.00 98.00 100.00
January 2016 566.28 623.51 17.19 18.39 90.8 232.39 73.72 21.33
February 2016 579.09 591.67 20.89 21.38 97.9 858.33 89.66 18.25
March 2016 712.90 727.28 24.28 24.29 98.0 999.00 94.89 37.08
April 2016 598.32 603.61 24.48 24.72 99.1 999.00 95.88 28.49
May 2016 711.18 711.18 23.54 23.54 100.0 999.00 98.00
June 2016 557.27 557.28 18.82 18.82 100.0 999.00 97.49 0.35
July 2016 726.44 824.09 27.15 30.90 88.2 298.52 81.01 35.37
August 2016 563.10 1370.18 20.44 49.26 41.1 67.46 52.59 39.73
September 2016 588.92 588.92 22.30 22.31 100.0 999.00 98.00
October 2016 520.53 520.52 22.52 22.52 100.0 999.00 98.00 100.00
November 2016 488.17 498.94 19.92 20.35 97.8 999.00 94.12 33.97
December 2016 453.27 494.80 18.83 20.71 91.6 319.63 80.13 26.83
January 2017 523.49 599.18 19.05 21.86 87.4 258.33 78.20 32.63
February 2017 384.49 384.49 18.74 18.74 100.0 999.00 98.00
March 2017 478.64 478.64 19.17 19.17 100.0 999.00 98.00 100.00
April 2017 373.65 373.64 16.24 16.24 100.0 999.00 96.98
May 2017 606.82 1130.84 22.79 42.21 53.7 92.94 61.59 43.07
June 2017 525.25 688.27 19.47 26.26 76.3 181.06 75.14 42.88
July 2017 427.38 1010.55 20.71 48.49 42.3 68.63 52.96 39.60
August 2017 464.89 464.90 18.35 18.35 100.0 999.00 97.59
September 2017 552.55 552.55 21.53 21.53 100.0 999.00 98.00
October 2017 295.36 295.36 19.54 19.54 100.0 999.00 98.00 100.00
December 2017 146.80 146.80 18.36 18.36 100.0 999.00 98.00 100.00
January 2018 28.24 28.23 19.20 19.20 100.0 999.00 97.97 100.00
February 2018 447.13 457.16 20.27 20.78 97.8 882.91 89.95 19.37
March 2018 549.94 559.90 22.78 23.23 98.2 999.00 95.52 39.69
April 2018 440.13 440.12 16.54 16.54 100.0 999.00 96.28
May 2018 17.32 17.32 17.30 17.30 100.0 999.00 98.00 100.00

Daily Driving Histogram

Blue Bars Represent:

This histogram charts the percentage of days that a Volt has driven a given number of miles. The green bars represent EV-only usage, and there are multiple options for the blue bars:

  • Total Mileage When Gas Used: If this is selected, the blue bars will represent the total distance driven when any gas was used. For example, if you drove 50 miles, 40 of which were EV powered, you would have a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 50 in this mode.

  • CS-Only Mileage: In this mode, the blue bars will represent the number of miles driven in charge sustaining mode only. For our 50 miles/40 EV example, you would get a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 10 in this mode.

  • Nothing - Show EV Only: Obviously, will clear the blue bars and only show EV usage.

In any mode, a day without gas usage will not get a blue tick. A vehicle's "day" is determined by the time zone of the zip code entered for the car. If the car doesn't have a zip code, central time will be used.

Scored Achievements

Achievement Best Score Points Best Timeframe Current Score Current Timeframe
Miles Driven Without Gas 2147.91 Miles 100.00 4/1/2016 - 7/12/2016 677.79 Miles 3/18/2018 - 5/2/2018
Electric Miles Driven in a Day 124.48 Miles 100.00 5/7/2016 - 5/8/2016 8.35 Miles 5/1/2018
Miles Per Tank of Gas 5519.90 Miles 100.00 11/4/2015 - 7/19/2016 4774.14 Miles 7/4/2017 - 5/2/2018
Total Points: 300.00