
CT6 Plug-In Stats is no longer operational, but when it was working it interfaced with OnStar to collect data about the performance of Cadillac CT6 Plug-Ins driving in the real world.

Result View:
Serial #
EV Miles
Total Miles
32017-55257Paul's CT6WA3290.694179.5778.7104.4544.9022.21
42018-12499Dave's CT6 PHEVGA29389.7640879.6571.9101.3946.6028.50
52018-11582RoRo's CT6FL14558.5222611.4164.469.4340.3424.73
82018-12498Diode's CT6SC8890.9122655.9339.252.0439.1531.62
92017-34386Plum CrazyTX9282.4332861.0428.241.9135.1930.07
"Fleet" Total:121986.67212403.7457.467.4541.5128.71
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries

Last Updated: 4/25/2021 3:43:20 AM CST

MPG: Simply total miles driven divided by total gallons of gas burned. This is how the Volt reports MPG, although since the electricity is counted as "free" it doesn't give a true picture of the energy used. On the other hand, this is literally accurate. :)

MPGe: Counts all electric miles driven as 93, 94 or 98 "MPGe", depending on the model year of the vehicle. See this wikipedia page for the gory details, but in short, 33.7 kw*hrs of energy has been determined to be equal to one gallon of gasoline, and the Volt is rated at a combined 93 MPGe (0.36 kw*hrs/mi) by the EPA for the 2011 model, 94 MPGe for 2012, 98 MPGe for 2013 and up, and 106 MPGe for 2016 and up. This gives a better account of the true energy usage of the vehicle, in a number that's easily comparable to traditional cars. However, this is just an estimation - I cannot currently read raw kw*hrs from Onstar, so actual energy usage could be better or worse than this number. Hopefully we can get a real MPGe calculation in the near future. The formula is: Total Miles / (Gallons Burned + (EV Miles / EPA rating))

MPGCS: Charge-Sustaining MPG, or what the Volt is getting on gas only.

Graph Options

Graph Type:
Show Data By Year:
Monthly MPG

Raw Data

EV Miles
Total Miles
EV %
April 2021 6 2090.65 3806.07 29.77 55.76 54.9 73.78 44.61 33.25
March 2021 6 1846.80 2787.42 29.86 47.44 66.3 93.20 46.69 31.45
February 2021 6 2105.07 3062.11 27.17 36.88 68.7 100.01 47.42 31.26
January 2021 6 2168.31 2671.89 26.14 31.93 81.2 137.46 49.10 25.91
December 2020 6 2556.37 3458.56 27.66 37.69 73.9 113.82 48.29 29.69
November 2020 6 2904.19 3518.77 31.77 37.72 82.5 167.88 51.90 29.32
October 2020 6 3376.44 4126.22 31.95 37.29 81.8 169.39 52.35 30.78
September 2020 6 3403.66 4856.33 34.36 46.53 70.1 105.35 48.08 31.51
August 2020 7 3286.63 3595.50 30.95 34.21 91.4 348.36 56.77 29.93
July 2020 7 3685.65 4181.82 28.41 32.91 88.1 274.44 55.99 32.56
June 2020 7 2995.21 3800.39 26.89 34.51 78.8 150.18 51.62 31.82
May 2020 6 2561.43 3361.09 20.99 28.10 76.2 126.62 49.53 30.13
Showing 1 to 12 of 31 entries

Daily Driving Histogram

Blue Bars Represent:


This histogram charts the percentage of days that a Volt has driven a given number of miles. The green bars represent EV-only usage, and there are multiple options for the blue bars:

  • Total Mileage When Gas Used: If this is selected, the blue bars will represent the total distance driven when any gas was used. For example, if you drove 50 miles, 40 of which were EV powered, you would have a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 50 in this mode.

  • CS-Only Mileage: In this mode, the blue bars will represent the number of miles driven in charge sustaining mode only. For our 50 miles/40 EV example, you would get a green tick at 40 and a blue tick at 10 in this mode.

  • Nothing - Show EV Only: Obviously, will clear the blue bars and only show EV usage.

In any mode, a day without gas usage will not get a blue tick. A vehicle's "day" is determined by the time zone of the zip code entered for the car. If the car doesn't have a zip code, central time will be used.

Group Name
EV Miles
Total Miles
No data available in table
Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries