Volt Stats! (RIP)
Tracked real world usage of Chevy Volts in the wild...
Details for Volt #2013-43988 (IxR):
Car Information / Rankings
Location: | Saint Charles, MO | |
Last Updated: | 4/24/2021 10:28:13 PM CST | |
EV Miles: | 61061.06 | #263 / 85.9% |
Total Miles: | 64088.39 | #599 / 67.8% |
EV %: | 95.3% | #68 / 96.4% |
MPG: | 707.81 | #77 / 95.9% |
MPGe: | 89.81 | #217 / 88.4% |
MPGCS: | 33.43 | #1478 / 20.4% |
Group Membership(s): |