Volt Stats! (RIP)
Tracked real world usage of Chevy Volts in the wild...
Details for Volt #2012-16084 (Voltimus Prime):
Car Information / Rankings
Location: | Tolland, CT | |
Last Updated: | 5/22/2019 10:15:38 PM CST | |
EV Miles: | 78093.76 | |
Total Miles: | 87928.83 | |
EV %: | 88.8% | |
MPG: | 299.31 | |
MPGe: | 78.19 | |
MPGCS: | 33.48 | |
Group Membership(s): | ||
Comments: | 2012 Blue Volt In my garage charging (L1) for the 1st time on 24-Mar-12 Typical Commute: 34 to 39 miles each way (Charging at Work on L2!) All-Time Best....55.4 eMiles on a single charge. |